Co-led by Cassie Meador, Christina Catanese, and Jame McCray
in development
Catanese is a partnering artist on a new investigation of climate change and agriculture with Dance Exchange.
Future Fields is a performance project that explores how food is, or could be, grown and experienced in a changing world. The project will unfold at three locations in the United States (one urban, one suburban, and one rural), centering the ways different landscapes and communities are navigating climate change.
Performance and engagement strategies will grow from the individuals and communities who gather at each site. What is created will take into consideration the unique challenges each region faces as our climate changes, as well as the work and repair already being done.
The project will undergo a year of creative development in the 2020-21 Dance Exchange season. This investigative phase will involve online and limited, pandemic-adapted in-person engagements in partnership with three agricultural sites. Catanese will lead the rural investigation in partnership with W.K. Kellogg Biological Station (Hickory Corners, MI) and more partners to be announced.