TRACES: Santa Fe
Variety of works developed in 2017 at the Santa Fe Art Institute as part of the Water Rights cohort. During this month-long artist residency, Catanese developed choreography, visual art works, and integrated curriculum planning around modern dance and river system morphology. She offered public movement workshop for adults, partnered with Moving Arts Espanola, and performed at SFAI 140, an event during which 20 artists present their work in 140 seconds.

2017 Graphite on paper 4’ x 4’ One of a triptych of square studies of materials and methodologies for capturing the traces of a dance performance in a physical artwork.

2017 Graphite on paper 4’ x 4’

2017 Graphite on paper 4’ x 9’ Created in rehearsal for SFAI140 as described above. Features the traces of one dancing body (mine) performing the choreography seen in the video, Two Mile Reservoir.

2017 Graphite on paper 4’ x 4’

2017 Graphite on paper 4’ x 12’ Created during a live performance at SFAI140, as described above. Features the traces of one dancing body (mine) performing choreography, as well as some audience shoe prints created before the event, providing a more complete record of the performance.